Sunday, October 9, 2011


老妈每晚陪睡,经常给闺女海阔天空的聊。久而久之,闺女就似懂非懂学会不少。长周末,周五幼儿园只开半天。去接的时候孩子们还在吃午饭。一群人以俺家闺女为中心,在讨论,包括三个老师和小孩。见我进来,老师跟俺解释,闺女说 human being was monkey, then, become baby in mom's belly, then, keep drinking milk, become a real person. 然后the whole class had a good discussion.俺心想达尔文听了你这么演绎evolution,真是要跳起来跟你辩论了。然后,老师又跟俺讲了些闺女的理论,比如bird can not speak but human can speak, because we have big brain. 老师料想闺女知道不知道brain, 以为闺女说的是we have a big train.后来,才反应过来。老师边笑,边赞,very interesting, very interesting. really good.

过了两日,送娃上学,碰巧听到一个家长和老师在教室谈话,家长说娃从小在church长大,希望娃保持某种信仰,大意就是娃回家问人是god create的还是猴子变的。老师忙说,respect他们的opinion. 也respect别人家的opnion.


1. laptop

闺女喜欢和爸爸skype,洗澡,吃饭,到哪里就要用laptop开着。这天早晨看我带laptop去学校,mom, bring it back right after you are done using it. I need to put my daddy on table. 晚上回家,跟爸爸说, it is me asking mom to bring laptop back. 爸爸高兴,你都知道啥是laptop了啊?闺女一拍大腿,the computer you put on top of your lap! college

开车路过Amherst College, 妈妈逗闺女说,will you go to this college when you grow up? this is the top college in the whole nation. 闺女说,top? as tall as skyscraper? that's really tall. then, how can you go up and get down?

3. close to a leader

Ainaya是班上最大的孩子,开学后离开这个preschool进了K.闺女说A是 a leader in the class.老妈问,after A left, who is the leader? 闺女说 no body.老妈继续问,anybody close to be a leader? everybody likes talking to you, are you close to be a leader?闺女说,en, I am. 老妈惊喜,闺女继续解释说,When i have nap, my cot is right beside A. I am close to the leader!

4. home run

今天天气好,Ashlee带闺女在院儿里玩baseball玩具。老妈回家,听说玩了baseball, 就跟Ashlee聊天,说看不懂baseball, rule很复杂。闺女大叫 I made a home run.老妈amazed. Home run? what a professional term! 闺女指着大门给解释,Yes, I run to our home!

5. common interest

闺女坐在车上问,和Deanna一起 trick or treat,是妈妈陪还是爸爸陪。老妈说,D是妈妈陪,你就妈妈陪,如果是爸爸陪,你就爸爸陪。闺女问 why, 老妈答, woman and woman have common interests.闺女问,what is common interests? does that mean woman and woman come together and interest to each other?

Monday, October 3, 2011

mind reader

1. craft是闺女的最爱。这天Art store买了beads回来,就自己开始穿首饰。老妈做饭空隙来视察,“you cut the thread too short, not long enough for a necklace”. 闺女答曰,“I will make a bracelet then”.老妈接着说,“it is even too short for a bracelet”. 闺女头也不抬接话,"make a ring, then."

2.闺女让猜riddle, mom, what animal has four legs, sharp teeth, and a crest. 老妈猜alligator?答曰,no. 继续猜Dinasour? 不对,5,6个回合下来,屡猜不中,只好投降。can you tell me?闺女说,no! because I don't know what's that either.

3.D的妈妈上周就写email来问trick or treat能不能两娃一起。今年闺女首次trick or treat,老妈还不知如何应对。上班还抽空到BBS发帖子问trick or treat的要准备什么。回家,闺女仿佛mind reader一样,说, ma, do you know adults don't need to dress up with kids when trick or treating? 然后就滔滔不绝的开始讲要怎么准备。问她怎么知道的,答曰,看Cailou动画片上学的。