Monday, November 30, 2009





Ped诊断是croup,难怪早晨开始咳嗽。看完病,又准备送到那个阿姨家,结果从ped office里出来想超近道去阿姨家,居然走错了路,路上令人发指的绕了1个半小时,决定还是带宝宝去上班。要去交表,抱着宝宝,走哪里抱到哪里。总算是交了进去,3点多了,娃一大早出门到现在还饿着肚子,发烧也没劲儿闹,昏昏沉沉的睡。

傍晚电话打了一大圈找临时baby sitter给带第二天,因为妈妈早晨必须上课。爸爸一个朋友的太太推荐了一个没见过的阿姨。算是解了燃眉之急。还好跃跃不认生,第一次见面就高高兴兴跟阿姨玩。到了周五,烧退了,还有点小咳嗽,又能去幼儿园了。


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

不要 and no

跃跃很早就学会了说 “不要”,同时还伴着不耐烦的摇头摆手大人样。吃东西,不要不要;喝牛奶,不要不要;睡觉,不要不要。进了daycare,小朋友都跟着学,跃跃亲拍别的小朋友,人家说“不要不要”。这边跃跃倒是学会了说 no no. 老师教跃跃,说“要,要”,同时还有sign language. 现在跃跃在家里,no no和要变成了口头禅了。

daycare 3-week report

It has been three weeks since Yueyue starts daycare. In the first week, she cries on and off for 4 days. We were really worried about it. In the second week, she cried when mom/dad dropped her (she still does, but stops crying right after mom disappears from her sight). She starts to act as normal in daycare in two weeks, shouting, laughing and playing with other kids. The transition length is normal. In the past three weeks, many things we were worried turns out unnecessary. Two teachers and assistant teachers are really nice to her and have never called parents to take her back even though on the fourth day she cries harshly, resisting to nap and throwing food to floor. They hold Yueyue, the youngest child in the class, a lot.

The best thing about daycare is yueyue's diet. Yueyue used to eat like a bird. Our babysitter Fan really loves Yueyue except for her diet. Whatever she tried, Yueyue wouldn't eat more than a few crackers from 9 am to 5 pm. Since she started daycare, she suddenly picked up her appetite. Her lead teacher describes her as “Oh, she is a GREAT eater, just eating, eating and eating.” In the daily report, very often she has three "Full serving" circled, morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack, at least two everyday. She really loves snacks provided by daycare. She starts to love a large variety of foods, such as milk and cereal, peanut butter bread.

The second best thing is Yueyue's sleep. Before daycare, she still had a lot of energy left after a day with babysitter and she liked playing with dad and mom so much. She won't go to bed easily. She always woke up a couple of times in the evening before she fell sound sleep. We spent a lot of effort to put her back to sleep again and again during night. Now, after a busy playing day, she goes to sleep quickly at 9 pm, mostly no wake-up during the night. Mom stills need company her to sleep, but that is the most pleasant time. Now mom starts to cherish the playing time on bed with her and worry the pleasant time getting too short.

In the past three weeks, one pink eye and one flu were reported in her class (9 children). Fortunately other children were not infected. Yueyue had seasonal flu vaccine but not debatable H1N1 flushot. Mom still nurses her. Hopefully this can do a little help to Yueyue for a healthy winter. Stay warm, my dear.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Eric Carle Museum

Daylight saving ends this weekend.多出一个小时,天气也不错。于是带宝宝去Eric Carle Museum.就是大名鼎鼎的the very hungry caterpillar的作者了。宝宝好高兴啊,跑来跑去。在art studio玩的就不肯走。回家找出来丢在一旁很久的 the very hungry caterpillar 这本书,指着图,说moon, egg。Posted by Picasa