Friday, January 27, 2012


Valentine day art to daddy

My mom, dad and me
Two persons sing together


Kalia and me
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

a promise is a promise

一天闺女对晚饭不感兴趣。老妈给讲条件,“吃两口鸡肉,才能看电视”。闺女爽快的“OK!”然后俺就开始给喂,一块,两块,看闺女不反对,我就继续,喂到第四块的时候,娃说,mom, you said I only need to eat two, now, i am eating four. 语重心长状继续说,Remember, a promise is a promise!

爸爸一到家就turn on laptop, 闺女站在旁边,daddly, have you used computer all day in your office today? 爸爸心不在焉的答yes. 闺女认真的说, then, why you use computer again right back home now?

闺女很小就发现超市里的cashier哪里有sticker.最开始,每次俺check out的时候,都期盼的等cashier主动给,后来发现有的cashier会忘,娃就试探的对着cashier叫,"sticker! sticker!" 几次之后,脸皮薄的老妈觉得embarrassing,就提前叮嘱,不许要sticker. 到了check out的时候,娃转变了策略,对老妈说,mom, you know, i always love stickers! cashier小姑娘听到都笑翻,跑了几个registrar给她找sticker.今晚又去买东西,我又叮嘱,不许提sticker。娃到registrar哪里果然不提,只是无限期许的望着收银员,碰巧是那个常常给sticker的小姑娘,见到她,马上给找了一个sticker, 这次更杯具了,娃拿到以后对着俺兴奋的大声说,mom, look, they give me sticker, i didn't ask, why they give me sticker? I didn't even ask. 我只好嘲笑一下,you look pretty familiar. 娃又有新情况,大叫,“啊,only one, why there is only one?"旁边人遂笑翻......

闺女是berenstain bear的粉丝,陆陆续续几乎买了whole collection, 每晚基本上都读。今晚睡觉突然做梦大哭,mom~~~, when are we going to move to a house....俺一惊,以为又要应对peer pressure (娃曾经表达过对D家的大房子的羡慕),娃继续哭着说 bear country....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Eve

Xmas这天到处都是关门,只有电影院开,本来是要看3D的TINTIN,看了10 mins, 说scary, 爸爸带着换到看chipmunk. 居然坚持看完了。

Thanksgiving和Xmas eve都是party. New year eve只有一家三口过一个relax的eve. 吃完晚饭,跟宝宝一起做了cookie.

看电影是个娱乐的好主意,爸爸出主意用projector在bedroom的墙上放movie, 全家躺在床上看。Cynthia激动的大叫, I can watch movie in bedroom!!!放的是Robin Williams 93年的老片Ms. Doubtfire, 全家笑的肚子疼。居然Cynthia一直看完,还给解释剧情,they didn't know their daddy is with them all the time.